Wednesday August 1st ~ Meridian Series – Insights of Harmlessness -Decisions of Empowerment (Large Intestine Meridian)

Emerald Field  ~ (Day 167 on the Cosmic Time Map / Day 53 in the Emerald Green Light)

Decisions of Empowerment (1)

The 12 tones of harmlessness are necessary to be lived, in order that we step out of a life of opposites. At a retreat in 2014 when these came out, Almine said that part of being harmful to life is trying to save the Dream. What does that mean?  When you try to fix, rescue, or improve the life of those around you who are in levels of dreaming, you are ‘trying to save the Dream’.  My son has had back pain for nearly 3 years, and it was very painful to the point of looking at surgery as an option.  But it was unclear to doctors what was going on, so they were not sure what they would operate on and did not advise that route. He was on painkillers but found it was too hard to function so he just bore the pain.  I knew of ‘interference’ that was involved years ago, and did all I knew how to try to clear it. When I finally asked Almine, she confirmed what had happened, but her reply was, “Anita, he is an original one and the only way to help is to awaken yourself from the Dream of that interference having ever happened.” Essentially she said it was an old dream I had to let go of now, because we can’t try to change anything in the Dream without making it stronger.  His destiny too was to awaken, and I was no help strengthening the dream around him by trying to undo the effects of the interference.  He opted for injections of his own stem cells in that area, and I backed off and  supported him with surrender, faith, and BVP which does not interfere but offers blessings. It was hard at first to be completely surrendered to whatever unfolded, but after awhile it was the only response that I was capable of, because the Dream was feeling so unreal as our awakening was becoming increasingly real.  Just last week he called and in passing told me what he’d been up to (playing badminton and running), and I was very very surprised!  The only way that we can usher in the new is through flowing Infinite Intent without interfering…without thinking it should be other than it is. No one is a victim, and every being has experiences that are perfect for their next step of awakening.  When we perceive only perfection and trust in life’s flawless unfolding, we cooperate with the path of grace.

Insight of Harmlessness for the Healing and Activation of Large Intestine Meridian:  Decisions of Empowerment

“The only form of persecution to fear is self-persecution. Decisions based on protectiveness, persecute the self by denying its ability to manifest a life of unfolding grace and self-sovereign abundance. Protectiveness attracts persecution, whereas the self-sovereign confidence of the highest truth expressed mobilizes the support of the cosmos.” Almine (1)

For today, look at areas of your life, for where protectiveness may be present…where you hold back from taking risks, from intimacy, etc, for fear of being hurt…where you lack trust in life’s benevolence and try to secure things or control life.  Eliminate all that you do to protect yourself or others from harm or hardship. Look at situations with loved ones, and see how you may be trying to spare them their lessons and tears, and let that go. See them as totally capable and competent, and feel life is supporting them to grow and awaken.

Almine shared that she can see everything in her environment, and the hardest thing for her that she has had to learn is to refrain from suggesting to those around her, options to consider when she sees the path ahead is not necessarily the best. She has had to hold back, recognizing that it may be necessary for them to learn something…to be more careful or sensitive in future, etc.

A good way to do the above is as a writing exercise. List how you are protective and risk averse, and how you try to protect others and prevent them their experiences. Then make two lists side by side. On the first one,  list all the the feelings of mistrust and protectiveness, and the negative expectations that you’re reacting from. It’s good to lay it all out. On the next list, write out opposite states and glad expectations from higher principles of trust. (2) Read the first list and feel it in your body, then do the same for the second list. You can even imagine scooping all the first list feelings into your left hand and all the second list feelings into your right hand and feel the difference.  Imagine giving it all up in complete surrender, and use breath to bring the body to a state of peace. You can even image your breath scattering all the noise in your hands like a strong wind. And blow breath in the mind to still its clatter. Breathe in and welcome the new, exhale and release, and pause. Do a few of these 3-part breath cycles for about 30-60 seconds, then tune in and see how things feel….

If you have the Rune Mastery Environment app, use the rune spread from the Insights of Harmlessness series, to support you with living Decisions of Empowerment.

Fragrance Alchemy

  • Use the Sacred Space oil, under the feet.
  • Apply Essence of Magic on the left temple (IB/6th field)
  • Song of the Dove under the feet (IB)
  • For the exercise with the BC:  Song of the High heart on the thymus, and Lotus oil 2 inches above the navel, and Rose oil between the eyebrows. Or you may wish to emphasize the feminine qualities with Almine’s Secret Garden-2 on above the navel and Lily on the 3rd eye point.
  • Flight of the Falcon on the Baihui point–top of the head. Flight of Falcon is the oil to activate the 9th meridian.
  • Jasmine on LI-2 and LI-11

Rune Support

(1)  Insights of Harmlessness, The Bridge of No Time, Almine.  LLC Spiritual Journeys,
(2) Polarity exercise Elyse Killoran shared with me.

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